Pelvic Floor

By Lelia Brannen

Improve your pelvis to rock like Elvis, What is she talking about?

Okay, I’m NOW in my 60’s!  WHAT! in my 60’s.   What happened? How’d I get here? and what the heck is going on with my pelvis? Why can’t I rock my pelvis like Elvis without first thinking… uh oh, my pelvic floor muscles may not hold up as well in those dance floor moves anymore, better not tonight or I might laugh too hard trying and suddenly if find INCONTINENCE gets in the way!     Every feel that way?   Want to discover why?    

My name is Lelia Brannen a yoga instructor at the studio and I am an information / wellness discovery junkie… always researching and taking classes about special health conditions and how our body can heal itself and I love to share what I discover with others, rather they want to hear about it or not!   LOL!     I believe our bodies were created to allow us to discover self-healing and self-care.  My go to is yoga, breath, meditation, essential oils, mudra’s, journaling, and massage.  Understandable sometimes medical experts must intervene, but we can help ourselves along the way in small and big ways. Would you like to come along and discover with me?   

We will be staring a series of classes in the fall for individuals with special health conditions.  I call it “ discovery of the issues within our tissues”. 

Our first class is the Pelvic Floor,   Would you like to rock your pelvis like Elvis again? 

We will review from the book  “Pelvic Liberation by Leslie Howard”  .   We will discuss the common three pelvic floor challenges resulting from muscle tone or even excessive tightness, and how yoga may address these imbalances, learn the anatomy of the pelvic floor and importance of our posture and our abdominals in relation to pelvic health.  Do’s, and don’ts, body/bladder connection, practice yoga and pelvic floor movement.  …even create our own Elvis Pelvis move if we want too!    want to know more? sign up!      (Carrie, 1 week or 2 week classes )

This is the first of many different rotating special health condition classes.  Each class will be scheduled in rotation so if you miss one topic that interest you, catch the next scheduled rotation or reach out to the studio, we can set up a time to work with you on an individual basis.    


You’ll see a blog from time to time on these topics below.   We will share our yoga, web or video links and books we find on our path to wellness.   Keep watching the blog post and a class schedule.  

Future Yoga Class Topic’s

Yoga for Chronic Pain

Yoga for Diabetes

Yoga for Digestion

Yoga for Heart

Oncology Yoga

Yoga for Nervous System


  • Let’s Discover Together  -   Giving yourself permission is the first step!    


Chronic Pain and the Rubik’s Cube?


The Rest-Connection to Your Dreams