Yoga for Back Pain-Part 3
Once you have practiced part 1 and part 2, you are ready to move to part 3. If you missed, 1 and 2 turn back now!
Come to your mat in constructive rest. Engage your deep core. Straighten the left knee so the thighs are still parallel. Inhale and lift the hips into bridge on one leg. If your hip falls, you know you have lost some core engagement. Slowly lower down and repeat on the other side. Move s-l-o-w-l-y! Try to repeat on both sides for 5 breaths without any hip drops. You will, for sure, be able to tell which side is weaker. Keep working on both sides for balance. Once complete, log roll (as in previous post), but come to all 4’s (hands and knees).
In 4s, engage core and ground through hands (hasta bhanda or hand lock). As you inhale, begin to lift the right leg off the mat, just to parallel. You have the option to lift the left hand skyward for spinal balance-without a hip drop! This is very similar to the one legged bridge, but with a different orientation to gravity. Slowly lower down and repeat on the other side. Repeat for 5 breath cycles.
When your next exhale comes, push the hips back onto the feet for extended child’s pose. Let the spine grow long as you breathe and hold for 5-7 breaths.
These are the very basic places to start for generalized back pain. For more individualized practices, make an appointment with me!