Yoga for Back Pain-Part 2

Once you have mastered core engagement, you are ready to move to part two. If you have not mastered core engagement from the previous post, go back <<.

Once you are laying in constructive rest, bring your hands down to your sides. On the inhale, deeply engage the core and lift the hips up into bridge pose. Hold for 3-5 breaths and then roll your spine back down, using the core to control the downward movement. Begin to flow with the breath-inhale, lift the hips, exhale, slowly roll down.

To come up, shift your hips to one side and roll onto your side into the fetal position. Use your hands to push you up onto your sit bones. This is the log roll and keeps you from straining your low back to hoist yourself up to a seated position.

Sit on the mat or chair with a tall spine. Engage the deep core while you breathe and begin to pull the shoulder blades together in the back for scapular squeezes. Do this on each exhale for 3-5 breaths. Being at the desk, car, or phone all day causes us to round the shoulders forward, resulting in more strain for the back.

Additionally, tuck the chin straight back, giving yourself a double chin. These eases the tension in the neck from looking at screens. Release with the exhale. Inhale, tuck the chin, exhale, release. Repeat 5 more breaths.


Yoga for Back Pain


Yoga for Back Pain-Part 3