Remember you are earth…ground, give, build, heal.

It all starts in the feet.  When we stand on our own two feet we send our roots down into the earth, past the foundations of the building, into the dirt!  These roots tether us to the safety of mother earth and they spread. They spread into the roots of the souls planted next to us.  Even if you think or feel you are alone, you are deeply connected to those around you.  Our feet are our firm foundation. We can’t stand in mountain or warrior or balance in tree if not for our strong feet.  Take care of your feet.

Gravity holds us to this earth.  Whatever parts of us that are touching the earth are getting that sense of safety and rootedness as gravity pulls us downward.  Once we have made a solid connection, we can begin to grow upwards-we root to rise.  Without holding us in safety, we can’t lift into higher thoughts, vibrations, or toward the divine. 

Like a tree, where limbs get torn off in relationships or trauma, we maneuver around and grow new branches in their place.  We build back stronger than before.  We learn from our mistakes, and we begin to make stronger choices that serve the whole of the tree.

Once we have our firm foundation, we root down and rise up, we build, then we can begin to heal…heal ourselves, heal each other, heal our planet, heal the collective. 

So surround yourself with people and places and things that you don’t mind sharing roots with.  As one breathes out, you breath in.  You are attracted to what heals you and what you can give back.  Follow the “gut feeling”, that is your deep intuition giving you messages from below the earth, below what the eyes can see, to what the roots and soul can feel.

Remember, you are earth…ground, give, build, heal.




Yoga for Back Pain