Remember you are fire…burn, tame, adapt, ignite.
Tapas is one ethical principle of yoga that is all about discipline-staying in the fire until you burn off the chaff and leave the refined gold in its purest form. This is why we step onto the mat every day. Not because we have to but because we believe in the discipline of the process.
Once the “stuff”, the old habits, beliefs, relationships, and patterns are removed, we tame what is left. We master it. What can go? What do you need to let burn through your practice of movement, of breathing, of mediation, of all that growth?
We are adapting, we are adjusting, we are changing and converting. Leave room for that change! It’s so easy to put ourselves (or others) in a box with a label [conservative] [no good]. The quickest way to convert energy is to burn it off!
So, ignite-light up the fire of stepping onto your mat every day! Start with a small spark until you have a full blown blaze! You will step out refined, pure, changed, YOU.